What does a CDL physical consist of?

What Does A CDL Physical Consist Of?

If you drive a truck for a living, you need to take CDL physicals, also known as DOT physicals, every year. If you don't take the test or if you don't pass, you won't legally be allowed to drive until you pass the test. If this is your first time, you should know what to expect during your annual Department of Transportation physical at Johnson Chiropractic and DOT Center in Sparks, NV.

Medical History

Dr. Johnson will take a detailed medical history so he can note any diseases or medical conditions that you currently have or have had in the past. It is important to tell the truth during this part of the exam. If you leave anything out, it can have legal consequences if you cause a crash.

Medical Exam

Dr. Johnson will conduct a medical exam, but it won't be as thorough as the physical exam you get from your primary care doctor. During your CDL physical, the doctor will listen to your lungs, listen to your heart, take your blood pressure, and test your reflexes.

Vision Test

You need to be able to see well to drive a truck for a living; therefore, your DOT physical will include a vision test. The examiner will have you read an eye chart to determine how well you can see. If you fail, you will need to see your eye doctor.

Hearing Test

You also need to be able to hear well to drive safely. During your CDL physical, the examiner will perform the whisper test. To do this, the doctor will stand five feet away from you and whisper words and phrases. To pass, you will need to hear all of them correctly.

Urine Test

You will need to provide a urine sample during your DOT physical. This is necessary to test you for diabetes and drug use.

Contact Johnson Chiropractic and DOT Center Today!

If you need a DOT physical and live in or around Sparks, NV, Dr. Johnson at Johnson Chiropractic and DOT Center can help. We can perform your DOT physical to keep you on the road. Call us today at (775) 359-0717 to schedule your appointment.

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