Postural Screening

Most people do not realize the importance of good posture. Posture is how you hold your body upright against gravity. While good posture is vital for everyone, it is crucial for pain management. Bad posture can lead to several problems, including back pain, neck pain, and headaches. At Johnson Chiropractic and DOT Center in Sparks, NV, we provide postural screenings to help you identify potential problems.


What Is a Postural Screening?

Postural screening is a simple test that a chiropractor can perform to assess your posture. The test is easy and only takes a few minutes to complete. In addition, postural screening can help identify problems causing driver pain.

It also plays a massive role in the Department of Transportation (DOT) driver qualification process. For example, the DOT requires that all commercial drivers have a physical examination to ensure they are physically, emotionally, and mentally fit to drive. Part of this examination includes a postural screening.

How Is Postural Screening Performed?

Chiropractic care is a critical part of driver pain management. Identifying potential problems is essential to correct them before they cause long-term health issues. One of the ways chiropractors do this is through postural screenings.

The test is performed by having you stand with your feet and arms at your sides. Our chiropractor then looks at your posture from the front, back, and side. They will look for abnormalities, such as a forward head posture, rounded shoulders, or an increased curve in the lower back.

Our chiropractor may also use a plumb line to assess your posture. A plumb line is a string hung from the ceiling. You stand underneath the string, and the chiropractor looks to see if the string lines up with your body.

Who Can Benefit from a Postural Screening?

Postural screenings are beneficial for everyone. The process helps identify problems that may cause back, neck, or head pain. It also helps prevent these problems from getting worse.

Postural screenings are vital for driver pain management. Drivers are at a higher risk for back pain, neck pain, and headaches. This pain is because they spend long hours sitting in a cramped position.

Contact Us to Book an Appointment with Our Experienced Chiropractor

If you are a driver, it is essential to have a postural screening. This simple test can help identify problems that may cause driver pain and prevent them from worsening.

At Johnson Chiropractic and DOT Center in Sparks, NV, we offer postural screenings for all our patients. Contact us today at (775) 359-0717 to book an appointment with our experienced chiropractor.

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