Spinal Screening FAQs

spine assessment

The spine plays a critical role in maintaining balance and posture. If there are issues with the spine, it can impact your body posture and lead to other health issues. Spinal screenings are an essential part of the team at Johnson Chiropractic and DOT Center in Sparks, Nevada, to get you healthy.

What is a spinal screening?

Spinal screening is a simple and brief test performed by a chiropractor or medical professional to detect abnormal curvature of the spine. During a spinal screening, our chiropractor may discover other problems, such as disc degeneration, fractures, and dislocations. The results of the spinal screening will determine whether a more detailed evaluation is necessary.

Who needs a spinal screening?

Spinal screenings are ultimately for individuals dealing with an issue related to the spine. However, these screenings are also crucial for children and teenagers to identify the presence of scoliosis.

People in certain lines of work may need a spinal screening, such as drivers looking for driver pain management, office workers who perform repetitive motions and need pain relief, and athletes aiming to improve their performance.

You can benefit from a spinal screening with a local chiropractor, regardless of age or occupation.

Why should you get a spinal screening?

Early detection of spinal issues is critical to treat the problem before it develops into a much more serious one. In addition, a spinal screening can detect any abnormalities that could cause other issues later. It can also detect diseases and injuries caused by an improperly aligned spine while helping diagnose the cause of any chronic pain you’re experiencing.

When should you undergo a spinal screening?

A spinal screening reveals any misalignment of vertebrae, abnormalities with posture, and other issues that could require chiropractic care. Some things that result in a degenerating spine include poor sleeping posture, poor ergonomics, repetitive strain, accidents, and trauma.

How are spinal screenings performed?

During a spinal screening, a chiropractor will examine the body while in motion and not in action. While not in activity, our chiropractor will examine your elevation, rotation posture, anterior pelvic tilt, and pelvic tilt. While in motion, we will examine the body while you do small tasks.

Schedule Your Spinal Screening with a Sparks Chiropractor

At Johnson Chiropractic and DOT Center in Sparks, NV, our primary goal is to help you gain the pain relief and treatment needed to improve your quality of life. Contact our chiropractic team today if you would like to schedule a spinal screening because you’ve been experiencing chronic pain, would like driver pain management information, or need to be checked for school.

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9:00 am - 3:45 pm
9:00 am - 3:45 pm
9:00 am - 3:45 pm
9:00 am - 3:45 pm
9:00 am - 3:45 pm
9:00 am - 11:00 am Appointments


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